Monday 3 September
18:00-20:00 Registration and welcome reception at Pollock Halls.
Tuesday 4 September
am Think globally: landscape ecology in a globalised world
Our world is in the midst of unprecedented change, posing major challenges for sustainable land management. This symposium explores how landscape ecology can help in assessing, understanding and adapting our land management to deliver enduring benefits to society and the environment.
pm Act locally: landscape ecology exemplars
Despite continued reasons for concern about the state of our land, there are many examples of good practice and success. This symposium presents a range of exemplary initiatives to illustrate how landscape science, policy and practice can deliver benefits to society and the environment.
Wednesday 5 September
am Interactive sessions: How to better link landscape science, policy and practice ?
Delegates from diverse backgrounds will discuss how landscape science, policy and practice can better work together to ensure sustainable use of land and the services it provides to society. Targeted discussions and parallel interactive sessions will help tailor the session to delegates' interests and expertise, and identify opportunities for all our future work.
pm Think global, act local: landscape ecology to balance competing demands
Trade-offs between beneficiaries’ demands for conflicting services will ultimately determine future land use. This symposium will highlight some of these trade-offs and present methods and principles for balancing these competing demands.
Thursday 6 September
Two field trips are offered to provide on the ground experience of issues discussed during the conference:
- Ecological restoration at Carrifran Wildwood (return to Waverley Station at 4pm)
- Designed landscapes and green infrastructure (return to Waverley Station at 2pm)