Join ialeUK to link up with landscape ecologists from around the world. ialeUK members have a wide range of interests in landscape and seascape and include people working in research, policy and practice. Landscape ecology is a meeting point of people from different disciplines including natural and social scientists, landscape architects, planners, geographers and archaeologists.
Benefits of joining
- Access to the members’ area of this website, allowing interaction with researchers, policy-makers, planners and practitioners with an interest in landscape ecology.
- Become part of a growing international network with chapters in many countries.
- Access discounted fees for annual conferences, workshops and events run by ialeUK and other IALE chapters around the world.
- Receive and contribute to a regular newsletter.
- Gain input from landscape ecologists and join working groups.
- Receive support for organising one-day workshops.
- Apply for student travel awards to ialeUK meetings.
- Free access to the high-impact journal Landscape Ecology.
Membership fee
Membership to ialeUK costs £30 per year (£15 for students). This fee includes membership of the International Association for Landscape Ecology and the European Association for Landscape Ecology.
Membership enquiries
James Millington - ialeUK Membership Secretary