Join us for our free online webinar series, Landscape Connections.
In true ialeUK spirit, Landscape Connections provides a relaxed and informal venue for sharing knowledge, ideas and updates in the field of landscape ecology, with a chance to say hi to new and established connections. Come armed with a cup of tea and any questions you might have for the speakers!
Stay up to date by following #LandscapeConnections on Twitter. Webinar recordings can be found on our ialeUK YouTube channel.
We aim to run three or four webinars a year. You will need to register in advance and use the Microsoft Teams app or desktop client to join the webinars.
28th November 2024 | Bunce lecture + AGM | Lisa Norton (UKCEH) will present her work on hedgerows, followed by Q&A and a Discussion panel.
Past webinars
2nd July 2024 | Fire Landscapes and the UK | Rob Gazzard (Forestry Commission) and Gail Millin-Chalabi (UK Fire Danger Rating System project at University of Manchester) shared their expertise and experiences of improving wildfire management in UK landscapes, drawing from decades of practical experience ongoing initiatives. | Watch recording on YouTube
8th April 2024 | Local Nature Recovery Strategies | Tom Butterworth (Arup), Geoff Griffiths (Uni. Reading) and Gideon Corby (Wildlife Gardeners of Haggerston) presented and discussed perspectives on the involvement of various actors in the LNRS process, with an Introduction from Rosie Whicheloe (London Borough of Sutton) | Watch recording on YouTube
30th November 2023 | Special Edition: Bunce Lecture on Agroforestry | Teresa Pinto-Correia (Professor of Geography, University of Évora) delivered our second Bunce Lecture, in honour of the late Bob Bunce, a founding member of ialeUK. Teresa provided a European perspective on the landscape ecology of agroforestry. This was followed by a panel discussion with experts from across Great Britain, who reflected on Teresa's talk in light of agroforestry policy, practice and research in the UK: Davy McCracken (Professor of Agricultural Ecology, SRUC); Rory Lunny (Senior Policy Advisor, DEFRA Agroforestry Policy Team); Sally Westaway (PhD student studying the impact of increasing farmland tree cover, Royal Agricultural University & University of Reading) | Watch recording on YouTube
6th June 2023 | Delivering Nature Networks in Wales | Jim Latham and Liz Hancocks from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) outlined the ecological and policy basis of the Nature Network Programme in Wales (including habitat network modelling for prioritisation) and described the development of Resilient Ecological Networks, with a case study from South Wales | Watch recording on YouTube
5th May 2023 | Kew's Landscape Ecology Programme | Ed Ikin and Laura Martinez Suz from Kew Royal Botanic Gardens provided an overview of Kew’s Landscape Ecology Programme that researches the multiple values of UK biodiversity, before focusing on research into the relationship between fungal diversity, abundance and function and carbon sequestration | Watch recording on YouTube
9th November 2022 | Special Edition: Inaugural Bunce Lecture and AGM | Dr Keith Kirby (University of Oxford) delivered our first Bunce Lecture, in honour of the late Bob Bunce, a founding member of ialeUK. Keith asked, what does woodland conservation and restoration mean in the 21st century? This was followed by a panel discussion with Emma Goldberg (Natural England), Kirsty Park (University of Stirling), Jim Latham (Natural Resources Wales) and Nina Schonberg (Northern Ireland's Landscape Partnership). | Watch recording on YouTube
17th May 2022 | The Future of Conservation | Professor James Bullock (@JMBecologist) from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) questions whether conservation is fit for purpose in a rapidly changing environment. Conservation and restoration could be seen as seeking to maintain a world which will no longer exist. While there are several approaches to make conservation more forward looking, a continued focus on rare species and restoring specific ecosystems could be counterproductive. James talks about how considering ecological attributes such as complexity and resilience may allow conservation and restoration to adapt to a worrying future. | Watch recording on YouTube
2nd August 2021 | What is the State of the UK’s Woods and Trees in 2021? | Chris Nichols & Karen Hornigold from the Woodland Trust presented their recent report, "The State of the UK Woods & Trees".
2nd December 2020 | Landscape genetics of caecilians in the Seychelles | Simon Maddock, University of Wolverhampton, demonstrated how his landscape genetics research is providing a better understanding of the population ecology of caecilians (legless amphibians) in the Seychelles | Watch recording on YouTube
4th November 2020 | Habitat preference and a species level perspective on habitat fragmentation | Jordan Chetcuti, Trinity College Dublin presented the research he did as part of his PhD at CEH and University of Leeds on modelling carabid habitat association | Watch recording on YouTube
9th September 2020 | Land Cover Change and Urban Creep | Clare Rowland, CEH (@ClareRowland_UK) described her collaborative work on providing estimates of land cover change in the UK using CEH's landcover map and a project to map urban creep in Edinburgh using remote sensing data | Watch recording on YouTube
29th July 2020 | The Slow Ways Project | Daniel Raven-Ellison (@DanRavenEllison) provided information on this ambitious project to create a network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain's towns and cities | Watch recording on YouTube
1st July 2020 | Our Coding Club | Sandra Angers-Blondin (@SandyAngersB) shared the great stuff Our Coding Club are doing to develop a positive peer-learning coding community for all things environmental data science. Includes live R coding demo | Watch recording on YouTube
2nd June 2020 | 25 Years of Landscape Ecology | Chris Young & James Millington | Download presentation pdf (2.3 MB) | Watch recording on YouTube