Spring 2011 Newsletter

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18

Conference 2011 update

Conference 2011 update
We now have a full programme for this year’s conference to be held at the Telford campus of the University of Wolverhampton from 5th September 2011. The theme of landscape ecology and ecosystem services clearly struck a chord and as a result we have 32 oral presentations and 12 poster presentations scheduled...

Assessing the effectiveness of ELS in delivering resources for birds in arable landscapes

Current agri-environment schemes are central to meeting the Government’s target of reversing the decline in the ‘farmland bird index’ (based on population trends in 18 species) by 2020. The Entry Level Scheme (ELS), implemented in England in 2005, is a key delivery mechanism and it is therefore extremely important to...

Assessing the impact of the loss of set-aside stubbles on the winter ecology, behaviour and distribution of farmland birds and their breeding population trends

A wealth of evidence suggests that set-aside has had benefits for farmland biodiversity, particularly birds, for which it can provide valuable foraging habitat in summer and winter, as well as breeding habitat for some ground-nesting species. A review of recent studies suggests that, on average, set-aside can support...


Spring always seems to end up being the busiest time of the year. Not only are there many things to finish at the end of the academic/financial year but it is the season of new activities and possibilities as we look forward to the summer. This year...