Buckinghamshire County Council in partnership with Milton Keynes Council, Natural England and BMERC has produced a habitat map covering all of rural Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. The project has now completed its main phase and a report detailing the progress, methodology and analysis of findings is now available.
The report and associated documents can be found on:
The Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Habitat Mapping Project provides, for the first time, a fine grain environmental assessment which is held together in one single database. The database holds specific information of well over 65,000 individual habitats across the entirety of Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes and classifies each of these in accordance to 191 different land-use and habitat categories. The data is of value to a wide range of professionals including developers, academics, strategic planners, transport officers, land and environment managers and ecologists. It enables informed decision-making about development proposals, monitoring of land use and land management change and can help ensure the protection of our natural resources as it allows for the establishment of priorities and the identification of opportunities.