The Tool Assessor - Compare the market for methods in ecosystem services

Ecosystem Service: Valuing nature's services, understanding how nature works and involving people (Credit: JNCC)

Compare the market to value nature's services

If you were buying a car, you would compare the market for the car that suits your needs. Well, the same now can be done for ecosystem service approaches. Focusing primarily on the 'local' scale and terrestrial ecosystem services, the Tool Assessor, available from the Ecosystems Knowledge Network helps people understand what tools are available and what resources are needed.

The Tool Assessor, available from the Ecosystems Knowledge Network helps people understand what tools are available and what resources are needed. Focusing primarily on the 'local' scale and terrestrial ecosystem services, the Tool Assessor includes a list of tool profiles (currently 12 but this number will grow), a search function to identify tools that meet particular needs and a useful summary table listing all the tools and the variety of applications (Figure 1 below).

Figure 1: Overview table showing 12 tools and their different applications.

The project was funded by Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and run by the Ecosystems Knowledge Network, an organisation set up to share knowledge among people who are working – or could work – to ensure the environment plays a positive role in society. They share ideas and know-how across the United Kingdom and Ireland and connect different groups of people via events and publications. Find out more from their website.

Know a project that reflects the ecosystem approach? Have experience of working with different approaches? – get in touch at