After the success of our webinar series Landscape Connections, which started as a way to connect and share the latest landscape ecology news during the first lockdown, we’ve decided to keep running the webinars as quarterly events. There are still two slots left for this year, so please get in touch with us at connections@iale.uk if you would like to volunteer to present your landscape ecology work or to make a suggestion.
Coming up soon…
Monday 2nd August, 4pm. Our friends at the Woodland Trust will be talking about their recent report, “The State of the UK Woods and Trees”. This highlights the many benefits that woods and trees provide for people and wildlife, whilst also calling for urgent action to track change, target action and measure progress towards achieving landscapes rich in woods and trees for people and wildlife. Register via Zoom on our website now.
Something to look forward to…
Wednesday 13th October, 4pm. Thomas Chen from the Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (USA) will give us an exciting update on how multitemporal data can serve as effective training data for machine learning models that detect change in landscapes over time.