Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy
The Biodiversity Strategy for Northern Ireland to 2020 was published in July 2015. Entitled ‘Valuing Nature’, the strategy aims to halt biodiversity loss, allowing people to continue to benefit from all that nature has to offer, particularly in the context of a changing climate. It also emphasises the importance of involving people, businesses and communities, and encouraging them to realise how dependent they are upon nature’s health. Download the strategy (0)
Valuing Nature Programme – Health and Wellbeing Call
The funding call for the Valuing Nature Human Health and Wellbeing goal is now open. The focus of the call will be on understanding the value of the UK's natural environment for human health (physical and mental) and wellbeing within and across the following three areas: natural hazards and extreme weather events; human exposure to pathogens and aquatic toxins; and urban ecosystems. The call funders are the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Applications should demonstrate building interdisciplinary capability and reflect the interests of the three funders as well as strong engagement with research users. Visit the Valuing Nature Network
Hidden Soils Information Questionnaire
Grant Campbell is carrying out PhD research with Cranfield University and the James Hutton Institute. His project is investigating the importance of soil information (maps, data etc.) for decision-making, planning and policy development. He has developed a short questionnaire about what soil information is useful and needed by the community. The survey is open until the 21st August. For more information read this blog post, contact Grant Campbell g [dot] a [dot] campbell [at] cranfield [dot] ac [dot] uk or access the questionnaire.
Wales Nature Fund
The Wales government has set up a £6 million Nature Fund to fund 20 projects across Wales in response to State of Nature Report. Projects range from work to improve river catchments and marine ecosystems, to peatlands restoration and a community project managing woodland. Visit the Welsh Government website for more information.
Brownfield Land for Housing
Large areas of brownfield land located in 29 zones across the UK will be eligible for public funding, in the Government’s attempt to tackle the housing crisis. This is a big win for CPRE, who identified some of these areas in the waste of space campaign. Urban ecologists are concerned however, as brownfield land can support high biodiversity. These spaces are also important places for people. The list of locations can be accessed here.
Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy
The Biodiversity Strategy for Northern Ireland to 2020 was published in July 2015. Entitled ‘Valuing Nature’, the strategy aims to halt biodiversity loss, allowing people to continue to benefit from all that nature has to offer, particularly in the context of a changing climate. It also emphasises the importance of involving people, businesses and communities, and encouraging them to realise how dependent they are upon nature’s health. Download the strategy (0)
Valuing Nature Programme – Health and Wellbeing Call
The funding call for the Valuing Nature Human Health and Wellbeing goal is now open. The focus of the call will be on understanding the value of the UK's natural environment for human health (physical and mental) and wellbeing within and across the following three areas: natural hazards and extreme weather events; human exposure to pathogens and aquatic toxins; and urban ecosystems. The call funders are the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Applications should demonstrate building interdisciplinary capability and reflect the interests of the three funders as well as strong engagement with research users. Visit the Valuing Nature Network
Hidden Soils Information Questionnaire
Grant Campbell is carrying out PhD research with Cranfield University and the James Hutton Institute. His project is investigating the importance of soil information (maps, data etc.) for decision-making, planning and policy development. He has developed a short questionnaire about what soil information is useful and needed by the community. The survey is open until the 21st August. For more information contact Grant Campbell g [dot] a [dot] campbell [at] cranfield [dot] ac [dot] uk or access the questionnaire.
Wales Nature Fund
The Wales government has set up a £6 million Nature Fund to fund 20 projects across Wales in response to State of Nature Report. Projects range from work to improve river catchments and marine ecosystems, to peatlands restoration and a community project managing woodland. Visit the Welsh Government website for more information.