There are some great videos available online. With an evening of searching, I found this collection of relevance to Lanscape Ecology. Sit back, relax and enjoy .....
Rivers and tides by land artist Andy Goldsworthy
Simply stunning and well worth watching the full 100min. http://land8.com/m/blogpost?id=2025679%3ABlogPost%3A759042
The New York landscape before it was a city
Really good computer graphics and simulation. https://www.ted.com/talks/eric_sanderson_pictures_new_york_before_the_city
The importance of community space (USA)
A positive film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?a=&feature=youtu.be&v=_X5Xm-wC25A&app=desktop
Aerial footage of the Isle or White in 1945 and 2005 via split-screen viewing
Quite addictive to watch how the land use and field patterns change
http://onthewight.com/2015/02/20/time-travel-60-years-cowes-carisbrooke-... (Grant Selby via Andrew Day, 2015).
World cities from the eye of a drone
The reactions from people on the ground is quite interesting! http://architizer.com/blog/the-22-best-architectural-drone-videos-on-you...