The majority of members would probably agree with me that the act of reading the landscape is a honed skill for a landscape ecologist. The wonderful combination of space, pattern, the changing seasons embodied by variations in colour and texture, makes this act as frequent as reading road signs and certainly far more interesting! But, how similar are our views?
As a multi-disciplinary organisation that embraces geography, ecology, landscape planning and bioloigy (and more), it is likely that we all read and see different things in the same view. We also have different personal perceptions depending on our past experiences. So with this in mind, I would like to invite members to try and guess where this picture is taken and at the same time share their understanding of the landscape. It can be a personal or professional point of view; something about history, botany, ecology, management or something else.
Send your short description to newsletter [at] ialeUK [dot] org [dot] uk and the submitted paragraphs will be published in the next newsletter. I also hope to make this a regular feature, so if you have particular photo you would like to share, please send it in - Many thanks.