ialeUK Postgraduate Workshop 2015
10th and 11th June 2015
University of Reading
This 2-day workshop provided an opportunity for postgraduate students to explore different techniques for analysing and interacting with stakeholders in landscape ecology (click here to download full programme). Sessions with partners from JNCC, UNEP-WCMC, University of Edinburgh and Countryscape put the training into a management and policy context.
Involving relevant interest groups in the research process can enhance the credibility, legitimacy and impact of research. Participants gained an understanding of how to engage different groups of stakeholders, and why and how their involvement can improve the impact of research on planning and policy.
Knowledge and skills gained in this workshop can be applied in many situations – the training was also useful for individuals who wish to pursue a career beyond academia in practice or policy.
You can find further information about the sessions below:
- Marc Metzger, University of Edinburgh - click here
- Jonathan Porter, Countryscape - click here
- Matt Smith, JNCC - click here for methods session; click here for conflict management session
- Sarah Ivory, UNEP-WCMC - click here
How was it taught?
- Online introductory materials
- Interactive sessions, lectures and group work
- Content tailored to suit the interests and needs of the participants
- Techniques useful in science, policy and practice
Any questions?
Email students [at] iale [dot] org [dot] uk
Where can I find out more about stakeholder engagement?
- Read more about the topic in BiodivERsA handbook - click here
- Talking about place toolkit provides useful practical advice - click here
- TESSA toolkit will help you plan and implement ecosystem service assessments - click here