We now have a full programme for this year’s conference to be held at the Telford campus of the University of Wolverhampton from 5th-8th September 2011. The theme of landscape ecology and ecosystem services clearly struck a chord and we have 32 oral presentations and 12 poster presentations scheduled for the main conference days of Tuesday and Wednesday. Confirmed speakers delivering talks on different aspects of the conference theme include Chris Baines, Dusty Gedge, Marc Rounsevell and Andy Moffatt
Topics submitted by conference participants range from “Nutrient Retention in floodplains of large rivers” to “Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy” and “Recycling services provided by South Africa’s animal scavengers”. Colleagues are attending from as far afield as Australia, USA and Mexico as well as from across Europe and the UK making it a truly international experience.
We are also pleased to announce that we have now confirmed the workshops. We hope to run three short workshops on:
“An ecosystem services approach to the adaptation of UK towns and cities" facilitator Blanche Cameron
“Current spatial decision-support tools - can they be improved and, if so, how?” facilitators Rob McCall and Phil Baarda
“Whole-landscape projects for catchment management” facilitators tbc
We would encourage members to let colleagues know about the conference even if they can't make it themselves so we can ensure as good a representation from different backgrounds and parts of the UK as possible.