Join ialeUK at EUGIC 2017 Budapest
Celebrating nature-based solutions for cities.
IaleUK members can receive a discount to attend the 2nd European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference, to be held in Budapest 29-30 November 2017. Standard tickets are priced at 300 EUR, with members benefiting from a massive 33% discount at 200 EUR. This price includes 2 days and an evening awards ceremony.
A dynamic, cross-disciplinary conference programme
EUGIC 2017 Budapest brings together global practitioners and local experts in a truly interactive, dynamic and exciting conference, including workshops, story corners, exhibitions, Horizon2020 projects session and industry speed dating. Over 300 participants are expected from across the urban development sectors including architecture, ecology, landscape, planning and engineering. Visit the conference website for the programme overview, speaker profiles and to register: https://eugic.events/conference-programme/
“As an attendee of EUGIC Vienna 2015, I thought the conference was excellent. A lot of thought had gone into making the presentations interactive, engaging and informative. I have great expectations for this year's conference in Budapest” - author and ecologist, London.
Conference speakers
Over 40 speakers are confirmed and profiles provided on the conference website. These are: John little, Laura Gatti. Helen Taylor, Doris Schnept, Dr. Bente Knoll, Ronan Uhel, Erich Steiner, Laszlo Pinter, Marco Fritz, Peter Massini, Holger Robrecht, Jim McClelland, Dr. Daniel Podmirseg, Gary Grant, Mihai-Razvan-Nita, Beatriz Castiglione, Lelia Tolderlund, Paulo palha, Peter Dezsenyi, Carlo Calfapietra, Irene Niedzwiecka-Filipiak, Flora Szkordilisz, Zsombor Tatai, Marcus Collier, Dusty Gedge, Malgorzata Bartyna-Zielinska, Vera Enzi, Chris Bridgman, Anna Waibel, Dr. Gyongyver Julia Kadas, Jurgen Preiss, David Mulholland, Rita Mayrhofer, Dr Manfred Kohler.Dominic Regester, Monica Kotulak, Sven Schulz, Manfred Peritsch, Bernhard Scharf, Prof. Rose-marie Stangl, Kinga Szilagyi and Lilit Khachatryan.
EUGIC 2017 Budapest is sponsored by Deep Forest Hungary, Vegetal ID France, ESSRG and ACO Hungary.
EUGIC 2017 Budapest is endorsed by EFB Green Roof and Wall Associations and their Members, the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature, Global Nature Fund, ICLEI Europe Local Governments for Sustainability, Green City Hungary, MUTK Hungarian Society of Urban Planning, NATURVATION, Nature4Cities, GreenInUrbs, Connecting Nature, IAUC, OPPLA, Salzburg Global Seminar, UK Green Infrastructure Partnership, Scandinavian Green Infrastructure Association, UK, Landscape Institute, ASoP Romanian Landscape Architects Association, HDKA Croatian Landscape Architects Association, Team London Bridge, IALE UK, ISOCARP International Society of City and Regional Planners, CENS Centre for Ecological Noosphere Studies Armenia, ESSRG, Alchemia Nova, Biotope City, Architektur Aktuell and Infrastructures Online.