The UK approach to Landscape Ecology - Bring your experiences to inform the European perspective

Dear landscape ecology colleagues,

IALE-Europe took the initiative to organise a session during the IALE World Congress in Portland, July 5-10, 2015 (, addressing different regional approaches to landscape ecology across the world.

To be able to give an overview from the European perspective, we aims to collect experiences from a broad group of landscape researchers and practitioners in the field of landscape ecology from countries and regions all over Europe. As session organisers, we will analyse and present the European perspective at the symposium.

Therefore, we ask you kindly to respond briefly and quickly to the questionnaire attached on a recent post in Landscape ecology news. We ask just your personal expert opinion. Feel free to share the survey among other colleagues in your country/region to answer it as well.

We ask everyone to send your input to portland [at] iale-europe [dot] eu before January 16th, 2015. We will analyse and summarize the answers and present a synthesis of the results at the symposium. The outcome of the survey will be published on the IALE-Europe website.

If you have any additional comments or questions, feel free to contact one of us, or by using the email address portland [at] iale-europe [dot] eu.

Thank you in advance for your participation.