ialeUK and IALE-Europe invite all colleagues to Manchester for the IALE 2013 European Congress. This major international event will examine how and why European landscapes are changing and how landscape ecology can help us to plan for the future at local to global scales. It will consider local projects alongside international programmes and provide many opportunities for researchers, policy makers and practitioners to interact. The congress will have a European focus but we look forward to welcoming participants from around the world.
Call for papers
There is an open call for papers in all symposia at the congress. Abstract submissions for presentations or posters are welcome from people working in research, policy and practice.
Abstracts are limited in length to 3000 characters (excluding references). You may also upload one A4 page of images or tables. Selected authors will be invited to submit longer papers. All abstracts and papers will be published in the congress proceedings as an ebook and print-on-demand hard copy.
To submit a paper, visit the congress website at www.iale2013.eu and register your details. You are very welcome to contact the congress organisers to discuss your ideas or if you are not sure which symposium you should submit your paper to.
The deadline to submit papers is 25 March 2013. There will be a second opportunity to submit papers following this date but there may not be space for presentations in particular symposia following the intial selection.
We are all aware of changing landscapes. Changes are caused by complex and inter-related drivers including climate change, demand for renewable energy, migration, urbanisation and the need for food security. There is an increasing demand for multifunctional landscapes that deliver ecosystem services to support human needs, whilst protecting biodiversity and cultural heritage.
New research and policy is needed in response to the European Landscape Convention, EU Water Framework Directive, EU Biodiversity Strategy and EU Adaptation Strategy. There is an increasing need for transdisciplinary research to reconcile competing demands on European landscapes. There is a particular need for integrated landscape objectives, developed with the genuine involvement of the people who care for and live in the landscape.
Landscape ecology is the study of interactions, across space and time, between the structure and function of physical, biological and cultural components of landscapes; marine, freshwater, and on land. Landscape ecology integrates natural and social sciences and is well placed to play a key role in planning for the future of changing European landscapes.
The congress will examine how and why European landscapes are changing and how landscape ecology can help us to plan for the future at local to global scales. It will explore all aspects of landscape ecology and consider local projects alongside international programmes, providing many opportunities for researchers, policy makers and practitioners from different disciplines to interact.
Following an open call, people working in science, policy and practice will organise symposia covering a wide range of topics relevant to congress themes. Each symposium will include presentations and opportunities for discussion. Summaries of the symposia can be found in the following newsletter article and full details are provided on the congress website.
Follow the links below for details of each symposium.
- Adaptive forest management approaches: a landscape ecology holistic view
- Agent based models of landscape scale socio-ecological systems
- Biocultural landscape conservation in the framework of landscape ecology: a European perspective
- Changing Mediterranean Landscapes
- Changing urban areas using landscape scale ecological processes and thinking
- Climate change adaptation and landscape planning
- Collaborative research for the European Landscape Convention
- Community-based planning with landscape services
- Diversity, function and impairment in freshwater ecosystems: consequences for conservation and ecosystem services
- Earth Observation for biodiversity surveillance: technology for policy implementation
- Ecological networks in real landscapes
- Ecosystem Services: building informed policies to orient landscape dynamics
- Exploring the landscape ecological implications of the land sparing or sharing debate
- From survey to monitoring of landscapes and biodiversity
- Geographic location matters: the potential of landscape functioning and trade-offs to contribute to ecosystem services provision
- Greater Manchester Landscapes
- Integrated local landscape management in a globalised world: practices and pathways
- Landscape ecology education in a changing world
- Land use change in Europe: new understanding, better modelling, and roadmapping to a desired future
- Land system change impacts on European landscapes
- Linking social indicators across scales: upscaling and downscaling - the state of the art and challenges ahead
- Monitoring heritage landscape: looking for critical expertise
- Scaling climate change models for the assessment of landscape systems
- Social theory and empirical findings in European landscape ecology
- The 10-year anniversary of landscape genetics: current status, remaining challenges and future potential of genetic approaches in landscape ecology
- The new forests of Europe
Manchester is a vibrant modern city with ancient origins and rich industrial heritage. Manchester’s precocious history of massive urbanism, industrialisation and post-industrial resilience has many lessons for landscape research. The congress will include a rich social programme in Manchester and field visits to a wide range of surrounding urban and rural landscapes including Castlefield, Mersey Valley, Lindow Moss, Peak District and Forest of Bowland. Manchester has excellent rail links with cities across the UK and the European rail network. Manchester Airport hosts 100 airlines flying from over 200 destinations.
The IALE 2013 European Congress is hosted by ialeUK in partnership with IALE Europe. The congress is being organised by Countryscape.
All enquiries, comments and suggestions are very welcome. You are welcome to contact the congress organisers by email:
info [at] iale2013 [dot] eu
You can find out more about the congress and register for updates at:
You can follow us on twitter:
Student grants
There will be support for students from around the world to attend the congress. This support is being kindly provided by IALE, ialeUK and IALE-Europe. The student support is being administered by ialeUK and you should visit the ialeUK website (www.iale.org.uk) to apply. Support will cover full congress registration fees. It will not cover travel and subsistence costs. Budget accommodation is available in Manchester including hostels and cheap hotels.
9-12 September 2013: IALE 2013 European Congress, Manchester
10 September 2013: Field visits & congress dinner
13 September 2013: Post congress excursion, Peak District National Park
5-8 September and 13 September 2013: PhD Course, Manchester / Peak District
I look forward to welcoming you to Manchester.