Volunteers are needed to survey the elusive Woodcock, the only species of wading Bird in Britain and Ireland adapted to breeding in woodlands. This shy bird is classified in the UK as an amber listed bird of Conservation Concern and a reduction in breeding distribution has been detected between the 1968-72 and 2008-11 Breeding Atlases. The 2013 survey will be vital for determining the extent of change to the distribution of breeding populations and will help to understand why this reduction has occurred.
Traditional survey methods, such as the Breeding Bird Survey are unsuitable for monitoring this secretive and nocturnal species whose plumage is well camouflaged amongst leaf litter and ground vegetation. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) have developed specific survey methods suitable for monitoring this cryptic species. Surveyors will be required to count the number of territorial roding flights made by males at dusk and dawn. This count will then be used to estimate the number of individual males present.
For more information or to participate please visit the Woodcock Survey on the BTO and GWCT information pages.