Regions are spatial key units for the sustainable management of natural and human resources. Major challenges in regional resource management (RRM) will be (i) globalization, (ii) demographic change and migration, (iii) climate change, (iv) sustainable provision of energy from various sources and (v) conservation of natural resources and ecosystem services as cross-cutting issue. A general problem in RRM is the contrast between increasing complexity at the one hand and higher public demand for transparency on the other. To tackle these challenges new approaches and ways of thinking are needed.
The conference addresses these issues by focusing on new approaches and tools to support regional resource development, including sustainable environmental management, economic development, public participation and multi-criteria-decision processes. We invite scientists from diverse backgrounds to join a cross-disciplinary discussion on future perspectives of sustainable development of natural and human resources in regions. The conference is expected to start a long-term cross-disciplinary dialogue on sustainability in RRM with specific consideration of interactions between regional planning, regional decision making and regional policy making. The conference will facilitate intellectual exchange and methodological transfer between disciplines dealing with development of instruments for regional planning, decision making and policy support. Therefore, we invite presentations on methodology, problem centered approaches and theoretical frameworks aiming at RRM.
Abstracts submitted to the conference will be subject to a review process by the scientific board (deadline for abstract submission February 28, 2010). All accepted presentations are invited to submit a paper for a special issue in an international, peer-reviewed journal.
Accepted presentations are expected to trigger dialogues (thesis vs. antithesis) and to include contrasting methodological approaches and perceptions. Presentations of single projects or case studies may be presented in an accompanying poster session.
For registration and more information go to or
contact, carsten [dot] lorz [at] tu-dresden [dot] de