Natural England Greenspace Guidance award

Guidance detailing how to transform urban life by designing in green spaces has scooped a national award.

The guide titled ‘Green infrastructure by design: adding value to development’ was developed in the Milton Keynes South Midlands (MKSM) growth area. At the Landscape Institute Awards it was announced winner of the Local Landscape Planning category.

It sets out design principles that allow for green spaces to transform urban life by cooling cities, filtering out pollutants, improving people’s health, supporting wildlife and creating attractive places to live and work in.

These design principles will serve as a valuable checklist for developers and planners, both in designing high quality environments for people and wildlife and ensuring high standards are achieved in the evaluation of planning applications.  

The judges said of the guidance: “Excellent, clear communication that promotes green infrastructure in a simple and effective manner. It promotes green infrastructure as a real, achievable and integral part of place-making.”

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