This project represents the continuation and the capitalisation of the results and of the experiences achieved in the PAYS.DOC, INTERREG IIIB MEDOC project.
Fifteen partners belonging to four European States are involved: Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, with Andalusia as the leading region.
The project is divided up into 6 key actions, of which the Mediterranean Landscapes Portal, the Observatory, the Guidelines, the Mediterranean Landscape Prize and the Good Practices Catalogue are an extension of the actions of the PAYS.DOC project. The Pilot Actions and the Awareness-Raising Activities represent innovative activities.
The communication activities are coordinated by the Region of Umbria through the implementation and management of the Mediterranean Landscapes Portal http://www.paysmed.net/homepage.php?lg=2
This portal constitutes an instrument of integration and dissemination of knowledge about the Mediterranean landscapes. It is a documentation centre, an on-line collection of working papers in the field of landscape planning, management and valorisation with case studies, concepts, and bibliographical references about the measures, policies and practices concerning the landscape.
Memebrs are encouraged to visit the site for the latest information about the project and its activities.