After the first advanced PhD course organised by IALE-Europe in Évora (June 2012), the European chapter is organising a second edition, this year in conjunction with the IALE 2013 European Congress in Manchester in September (see www.iale2013.eu). The overall theme of the PhD course is “European Landscapes in Transition: the Interplay between Local and Global Drivers”.
This PhD course will address the past and future of changing landscapes in Europe and will explore the novel approaches required for landscape research in order to understand the transitions taking place, and their multiple drivers and impacts. The contents of the course are centred on landscapes that traditionally have been classified as rural and have at present multiple characteristics, such as fragmented peri-urban fringes, productivist agricultural areas, vibrant residential communities or the most marginal rural peripheries. Particular attention is given to the interaction between rural and urban landscapes. Landscape will be considered from a spatial perspective, especially the relationship between agriculture and other functions and uses of the landscape, as well as the values resulting from these multiple uses. The discussions will develop understanding of the changes taking place based on merging conceptual backgrounds. It will consider the interaction between changes from local to global scales and the resulting multiple transition pathways occurring at the landscape scale.
The format of the course is a combination of lectures and interactive group discussion. To create an open atmosphere and to promote knowledge exchange, the course is limited to a maximum of 25 students. Students should provide a paper arising from their PhD work, which will be improved through discussions with both lecturers and other students. The course is open to PhD students from all over the world.
The course will start on 7th September in Manchester and will continue after the congress until 16th September. Participants are required to attend both the entire course and the European Congress. The venue is located in the Peak District, surrounded by a rural landscape and provides ideal conditions for discussions and interaction. If you are interested and would like to apply please contact one of the course organisers, either Anna, Teresa or Veerle (contact details below). More information on the course can be found on the IALE European Congress website.
Course Organisers:
Veerle van Eetvelde (veerle [dot] vaneetvelde [at] UGent [dot] be),
Teresa Pinto-Correia (mtpc [at] uevora [dot] pt),
Anna Gilchrist, University of Manchester (anna [dot] gilchrist [at] manchester [dot] ac [dot] uk)