The programme for the ialeUK conference is now finalised and despite one or two late withdrawals there is plenty for landscape ecologists everywhere to get their teeth into:
19.00-21.00 Registration and Drinks Reception
Tuesday 6th
0900-09.20 Mark Rounsevell - future landscape/land use change scenarios
09.20-09.40 Natalie Small et al. - Modelling Ecosystem Services
09.40-10.00 Marc Metzger et al. - Integrated assessment modelling of ecosystem services, vulnerability and adaptation in Europe and Scotland.
10.00-10.20 Eleni Kerali et al. - Estimating the impacts of land-use change on human well-being and the provision of ecosystem services
10.50-11.10 Eleonore Guillem et al. - The Aggregate effect of farmers management strategies on land use change and ecosystem services: The case of a Scottish arable catchment
11.10-11.30 Leslie Haines - The application of a greenspace model to Auckland City, New Zealand
11.30-11.50 Daniel Etongo - Landscape Ecological Mapping and Rural Land use change: The case of Ekondo-titi Sub-Division, South West Region, Cameroon.
11.50-12.10 Rob McCall et al. - Multiple land-use modelling to assess scope for biodiversity climate change adaptation in the Cambrian Mountains
13.30-13.50 Andy Moffat & Chris Quine - The ecosystem services framework: a new opportunity for UK forestry?
13.50-14.10 Alicia Suder - Maintenance of wet meadows within anthropogenic landscape. Sense or nonsense?
14.10-14.30 Cristina Carlos et al. - Does the landscape of Douro wine regionaffect the complex of anatagonists of the Grape Berry Moth
14.30-14.50 Christiane Schulz-Zunkel et al. - Nutrient Retention in floodplains of large rivers – case study Germany
14.50-15.10 Dawn Scott et al. - Recycling services provided by South Africa’s animal scavengers
15.40-16.00 Gary Grant and Blanche Cameron - Landscape Ecology Principles and Site Masterplanning: Ecosystems Services approach to planning Whitehill-Bordon Eco Town
16.00-16.20 Blanche Cameron and Taylor Roark - Integrating an ecosystem services approach into the built environment professions
17.15-18.15 ialeUK Annual General Meeting
19.30-20.30 Poster session
Wednesday 7th
0900-09.20 Chris Baines - Communicating Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Services
09.20-09.40 Dusty Gedge et al. - Adapting London to climate change through retrofitting ecosystem services: The Green Infrastructure Audit of the Victoria Business Improvement District
09.40-10.00 Ian Mell - Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy: Balancing the value of the environmental resources within an evaluation of urban Green Infrastructure investments in North-West Europe
10.00-10.20 Diana Pound - The Eco-what approach?
10.50-11.10 Sylvia Haslam - Water: the greatest ecosystem service
11.10-11.30 Lisa Norton - What scale/approach is relevant for understanding ecosystem services?
11.30-11.50 Genevieve Patenaude et al. - Conceptualising ecosystem services for poverty alleviation
11.50-12.10 Donna Clarke et al. - The effectiveness of landscape-scale conservation initiatives in Britain: What can we really assess?
13.30-13.50 Harriet O'Keefe and Julia Morris - Living Landscapes and Landscape ecology - voluntary initiatives to green up and join up the Black Country
13.50-14.10 Mark Champion - Restoration at the Wigan Flashes: Restoring the Post-Industrial Landscape for Wildlife Conservation: A Case Study.
14.10-14.30 John Hughes et al. - Does anyone on the ground know about landscape ecology and ecosystem services? And so what!
14.30-14.50 James Moloney - Thailand Community Forests
14.50-15.10 Sue Young - Landscape conservation - from theory to practice
15.40-16.00 Peter Carty - Landscape working in the Shropshire Hills: a practitioners tale
16.00-16.20 Richard Smithers - Embracing landscape ecology and ecosystem services
17.00-18.30 Conference Workshops
19.30-21.30 Conference Dinner
Poster Presentations
1 Simon Cooter - The Stiperstones: the centre of a landscape jigsaw
2 John Gallagher - A Song of the south: evidence of inter-decadal limit-cycles within a seagrass landscape, as an amplitude modulated consonance
3 Richard German and Tim Benton - Contrasting responses of different natural enemy guilds to landscape composition and structure: Predators and parasitoids of cereal aphids in the UK
4 Mark Steer - Climate change in a changing climate: projecting the impacts of environmental and socio-economic change in a wetland landscape.
5 Christin Haida et al. - Societal Relevance of Ecosystem Services in Mountain Environments
6 Oliver Hölzinger - Economic Valuation in Practice: The Green Infrastructure in Birmingham and the Black Country
7 Laura Silva et al. - Mapping landscape functions
8 Pierluigi Tartaro et al. - Changes in diversity of Swiss alpine pasture farming since 1880 - a landscape historical assessment (AlpPAST)
9 Grace Twiston-Davies et al. - The Importance of Matrix Permeability in Promoting Biodiversity Enhancement at The Stonehenge Landscape Restoration Project
10 Frauke Weber et al. - Roadside vegetation and ecosystem services
Thursday Field Trips
09.15-09.30 Coach Embarkation
09.30-14.00 Shropshire Hills
09.30-14.00 Black Country Living Landscape