I started an early draft of this editorial by commenting on the new e-newsletter, but the more observant among you will have spotted that although it arrived via e-mail it was not the format we had hoped. We tried (honestly) to get an e-version of the newsletter out for Summer as promised in earlier newsletters but work got in the way and as a result we have been unable to bring you the electronic version. What we have done instead is try out some of the kinds of content, e.g. information snippets, that we would hope to include in and e-newsletter alongside the more traditional material. When the e-newsletter does arrive our overall aim with it is to pass on useful information to all, but reserve extra information and other ‘goodies’ for ialeUK members in the new members-only area of the website. The committee have experimented with the new members area log-in system and we hope to roll this out along with the e- newsletter in the Autumn. The members-only area will have a range of links, publications, job opportunities etc. and will encourage member-to-member communication and exchange of ideas and information. We hope this change in format and direction is useful to you so please let us know what you think.
In ialeUK our summer thoughts turn to the Autumn conference and with the full programme now published it looks like a tasty treat for all with a range of topics from ‘Vertebrates in the landscape’ to ‘Analysing and mapping landscape functions’. Our colleagues at the University of Brighton should be congratulated for such a varied and interesting programme of talks and excursions – a difficult act to follow!
This edition contains a range of articles from snippets of information relevant to ialeUK members through to an article on landsape ecological concepts in an urban setting. As always we welcome members’ comments on all aspects of landscape ecology including the changes to the newsletter so please get in touch.
We would like to encourage members to submit articles and landscape images for inclusion in future newsletters. The guidelines below will hopefully provide some assistance in preparing any material. If you have any queries please contact newsletter [at] iale [dot] org [dot] uk.
Guidelines for Submission of Articles
- Please submit articles electronically in MSWord or RTF format. These formats are more easily available than other word processing applications.
- Please ensure that articles that no more than 1000 words in length.
- Please include a short summary of approximately 50 words.
- Provide a short biography (~25 words) and contact information. This doesn't count as part of your word count.
- Indicate copyright information if applicable. If you own the copyright for an article, indicate this with your submission so that we can provide appropriate attribution. If you don't own the copyright, but think an article is interesting, provide the article, along with the contact information for the copyright holder and the name of the publication where it was originally published.
- Use a friendly, casual tone. We want to make the information as accessible as possible.
- If you want images included in your article, please send the JPG and don’t just embed it in Word.
Copy Deadlines
Landlines is a quarterly publication. The deadlines for copy for inclusion in the upcoming editions are 5pm on:
- Autumn 2010: Friday 15th Oct.
- Spring 2011: Friday 6th May
- Winter 2010/11: Friday 14th Jan
- Summer 2011: Friday 15th July