Preparations are in full swing for the 2012 conference Landscape Ecology: Linking Environment and Society, which will take place in Edinburgh 4-6 September. We received 75 abstracts from 25 countries and 5 continents, and the selection of the 24 oral, and 9 flash presentations has not been easy! We are now fine-tuning the programme, which will be online in the next few days.
The conference will bring together people with relevant expertise from across science, policy and practice, to learn from each other, and identify ways in which landscape ecology can support necessary shifts in land management to deliver improved and enduring benefits to society and the environment.
We have an excellent set of key notes speakers: Prof. Des Thompson, the principal biodiversity advisor for SNH; Simon Milne, the chief executive for the Scottish Wildlife Trust; and Prof. Steve Albon, co-chair of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. And we just received confirmation that Stewart Stevenson, the Minister for Environment and Climate Change in the Scottish Government will also address the conference.
Two field trips on 6 Septembers will allow delegates to explore Carrifran Wildwood (www.carrifran.org.uk), or learn more about landscape design projects within Edinburgh city boundaries, from historic core to the countryside.
Registration is open and takes place via the University of Edinburgh ePay system, using the following link: http://tinyurl.com/ialeUK2012 The full conference fee, including lunches, the opening reception, and conference dinner is set at £170 for IALE members. Discount B&B accommodation is available until 30 May for £45 per night, after that date the rate will rise to £65.
Keep on eye on the conference website (http://iale.org.uk/conference2012) to check the latest developments, including the full programme. We hope to be able to welcome many of you to Edinburgh in September!