Local Nature Recovery Strategies
The 2022 ialeUK postgraduate workshop will focus on Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS), proposed by the UK Government as a method to counteract habitat degradation and fragmentation in England. LNRS will map ecological networks and priority areas for future habitat creation, restoration and conservation, using a participatory approach. They will form the basis of land management for years to come, delivering the recommendations set out in the Lawton Review.
Although LNRS are being developed in England, there are similar landscape scale initiatives across the UK and we welcome participants from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to share their experience and ideas.
The Workshop
The workshop will be held on the 30th June and 1st July 2022 at the University of Reading. It is designed for MSc, MRes and PhD students with an interest in habitat creation, restoration and conservation, or a general interest in environmental policy. We will cover the purpose of LNRS, designing the policy, an introduction to the methods for identifying priority habitat areas, and how to facilitate stakeholder participation and engagement.
Provisional Programme
30th June
Morning: A series of talks from speakers at Natural England, Forest Research, the Cotswolds National Landscape, University of Oxford and more. Speakers will introduce the intent and purpose of LNRS, methods for identifying areas for habitat creation and restoration, sources of data to support LNRS, the practical aspects of habitat creation and restoration, and stakeholder engagement.
Afternoon: A panel discussion on “Making the most of LNRS” followed by an introduction to the stakeholder engagement group activity on the second day. We will hear from University of Reading researcher, Dr Andrew Ainsle, about qualitative research methods, and then work in groups to design an interview for stakeholders on their views of LNRS.
1st July
Morning: A visit Bucklebury Heathland for a guided tour with the lead of the Bucklebury Heathland Conservation Group, followed by a tour of Crookham Common with the Wildlife Trust. Bucklebury Heathland Conservation Group have restored and maintained a 60-acre heathland since 1992, an area which now boasts nighjars, woodlarks and adders. Crookham Common is a heathland, restored by the Wildlife Trust, forming part of the West Berkshire Living Landscape. This presents an ideal opportunity to compare habitat conservation strategies between different groups.
Afternoon: A stakeholder engagement group activity that will allow participants the chance to practice qualitative research skills to interview stakeholders invested in habitat restoration on their views of LNRS.
Date: 30th June and 1st July 2022
Location: Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, Reading, UK
Fee: The workshop is free for ialeUK members (membership fee for students is £15 per year) and includes tea & coffee, 2x lunch, 1x dinner
Attendees will arrange and cover their own accommodation and travel, but suggestions can be provided.
Information and Registration
To register/find further information: contact Caitlin Lewis (ialeUK Postgraduate Representative) at students@iale.uk