ialeUK Committee Roles

All ialeUK members are encouraged to consider joinng the committee to assist with the development and administration of the organisation. The entire committee is elected each year at the AGM in September.

General Duties

  • ialeUK committee meets 4 times a year and each member should be prepared to attend at least 3 meetings per year. Travel expenses are paid if required.
  • Each Committee Member role is required to submit a report for each committee meeting.
  • Each member of the committee shall provide an annual report and submit to the secretary two weeks before an Annual General Meeting.
  • Roles within the ialeUK committee require a varying degree of commitment.
  • The descriptions of roles below are intended to indicate the type of activities associated which each role.
  • Committee members are invited to be Directors of the Company, International Association for Landscape Ecology UK Limited.



  • Chair ialeUK committee meetings and the AGM at the Annual Conference.
  • Ensure the ‘proper’ running of ialeUK in accordance with the statutes of the Constitution.
  • Liaise with the secretary with regard to the timing and arrangement of ialeUK meetings.
  • Consider items to be discussed at meetings and prepares an agenda.
  • Contribute towards the development of ialeUK: Liaison with external organisations: other learned societies, government, government agencies, government, universities, NGOs etc
  • Encourage development and applications of landscape ecology.
  • Promote ialeUK at all levels.
  • Liaise with International IALE and represents the views of ialeUK to International IALE.
  • The Chair must be a Director of the Company.

Time required: minimum 15 days per year.



  • Coordinate dates and venues of ordinary committee meetings and special committee meetings.
  • Collate information for agenda items and produce agendas for the above meetings.
  • Produce a minutes of ialeUK committee meetings promptly.
  • Provide at least 21 days notice of an annual general meeting to the
  • membership (September each year).
  • Organise elections for committee membership at the annual general meeting
  • Produce agenda and a full record for the annual general meetings.
  • Collate contact details of elected committee members.
  • Collate and forward information to committee members from external sources.
  • Correspond on behalf of the chair.
  • Receive applications for and coordinate allocation of Student Conference Travel Awards with the Treasurer.
  • Represent ialeUK on the IALE World Council (through e-meetings or at World Congress meetings, if possible).

Time required: 15 days per year, with busy periods at committee meetings and at the AGM in September



  • Ensure the accounts of International Association for Landscape Ecology UK Limited balance.
  • Note all items of income and expenditure.
  • Liaise with the accountant acting for the Company who will be identified as the registered office of the company.
  • Present accounts to the accountant employed by the Company every reporting period (3 months) which will then be forwarded by the Accountant to HMRC.
  • Liaise with membership secretary concerning number of standing order subscriptions.
  • Pay IALE annual subscription to IALE based on number of members provided by membership secretary.
  • Issue and countersign cheques on behalf of ialeUK.
  • The Treasurer must be a Director of the Company.

Time required: 8 days per year.


Conference Co-ordinator

  • Co-ordinate the ialeUK annual conference, which has a different organiser every year who is an expert in the topic their conference focuses on. This involves:
  • Help the committee set the conference topic
  • Pursue and field enquiries from potential organisers;
  • Help organisers identify a venue and arrange accommodation and meals;
  • Ensure that calls for papers and registration happens in good time;
  • Assist with the editing of conference proceedings
  • Organise the ISBN and print procurement.
  • Monitor budgets;
  • Publicise the conference;
  • Assit with developing the conference programme
  • Resolve any problems that arise during the conference; and where possible:
  • Help organise evening social events.
  • After the conference has taken place, pass lessons learnt on to the next conference organiser

Time required: depends on the role played by conference organisers and workshop leaders; 10-15 days per year.


Membership Secretary

  • Maintain an up-to-date record of current members organised on a calendar year basis, as well as their address, telephone and email contact details (Excel database).
  • Maintain a record of past members of ialeUK (Excel).
  • Organise membership renewal reminders and encourage membership.
  • Ensure membership forms are kept up-to-date.
  • Receive membership forms.
  • Liaise with the Treasurer regarding Standing Order and electronic payments.
  • Liaise with the Postgraduate Representative regarding new student members.
  • Hold the ialeUK email system, keep records of all emails and backup all electronic information regularly.
  • Welcome new members to ialeUK and inform them of the newsletter, the International Bulletin and the website.
  • Send up-to-date membership lists to the International IALE Treasurer from time to time and on request.
  • Circulate the International Bulletin by email and post if necessary.
  • Circulate the ialeUK Newsletter by email and post if necessary.
  • Circulate other information to the membership as required.
  • Present reports on membership to the Committee and to the AGM and current membership lists to the Committee on request.

Time required: approximately 8-10 days per year with heaviest load in January-March and July-September.


Web Manager

  • This role involves managing and developing the ialeUK web presence, principally the website (www.iale.org.uk). The responsibilities are:
  • Manage domain name and web hosting accounts, with regular review to ensure good value for money
  • Develop the ialeUK website template in line with current web standards
  • Add content to the website promptly when supplied by the committee or wider membership
  • Add events to the ialeUK landscape ecology events planner
  • Remove content when it becomes outdated
  • Maintain links to IALE international website, exchanging relevant content & links with their webmaster
  • Encourage the ialeUK membership to submit content for the site

Time required: Minimum 10 days per year.


Newsletter Editor

  • Produce a newsletter for circulation to the ialeUK committee and members 3-4 times a year.
  • Approach potential authors for special features for the newsletter.
  • Request information and articles from the Committee and Membership.
  • The Newsletter should include:
  • Updated Journal Entry coverage for Landscape Ecology and Landscape and Urban Planning with other selected references where these are deemed appropriate
  • An editorial note
  • Articles supplied by the membership and committee on topical matters relating to landscape ecology
  • Provide publicity space for forthcoming meetings and workshops
  • Contain the write up of student reports from conferences where those students have received funding grants from IALE(UK)
  • A list of the committee and their contact details

Time required: 8-10 days per year.

Notes Coordinator

  • Develop procedures for producing and disseminating short information notes on topical issues for targeted audiences, e.g. planners.
  • Solicit ideas for notes from ialeUK members and encourage individuals to take on the production of notes within subjects of their expertise.
  • Ensure that any notes that are produced are reviewed and approved by ialeUK committee prior to dissemination.
  • Ensure the notes are produced and circulated to appropriate audiences.

Time required: minimum 5 days per year.


Postgraduate Coordinator

  • Network with postgraduate students researching in the field of Landscape Ecology.
  • Encourage new student members to join ialeUK.
  • Liaise with the Membership Secretary regarding new student members.
  • Hold and maintain a database on current and past ialeUK student members.
  • Welcome new student members of ialeUK.
  • Keep student members up-to-date on relevant information and events.
  • Provide opportunities for postgraduate student networking.
  • Maintain the content of the student web pages.
  • Organise an annual postgraduate student event.
  • Manage the annual budget for student events.
  • Report to the committee on student workshops and events
  • Follow up on reports from students receiving Student Conference Travel Awards

Time required: approximately 10 days per year.


Publicity Officer

  • To take an overview of publicity and coordinate formation of links and maintenance of communication with relevant organisations.
  • To work closely with the web manager, newsletter editor, notes coordinator and conference organiser to ensure the widest possible publicity for iale-specific material and iale-specific events in general and ialeUK-sepcific events and activities in particular.
  • To liaise with the executive officers (Chair, Treasurer & Secretary), the committee and members to promote landscape ecology at all levels.
  • To identify and develop new publicity initiatives for iale-UK
  • To assist in the editing and drafting of publicity material where required.

Time required: approximately 6 days per year.


Ordinary Committee members

  • To participate in discussions and provide feedback on topics or documents considered by committee.
  • To provide support for and take on specific tasks from any office bearers if and when it is necessary.
  • To provide ideas, and communicate ideas from members or outside of ialeUK for discussion by committee.

Time required: minimum 5 days per year.