Bunce Lecture on Agroforestry (November 30th, 15:00-16:30 GMT/UTC)

Agroforestry – the introduction of woody features to farmland – is gaining traction in the UK as one way to help achieve tree planting and net zero targets whilst providing a diversity of benefits to farms, people, animals, and wildlife. But where and how can we better implement and scale up agroforestry in the UK? ialeUK have organised this Bunce lecture in honour of the late Bob Bunce, a founding member of ialeUK, to encourage this discussion and to learn from our European neighbours, who have a longer established tradition of agroforestry.

Our keynote speaker, Teresa Pinto-Correia (Professor of Geography, University of Évora), will provide a European perspective on the landscape ecology of agroforestry. This will be followed by a panel discussion with experts from across Great Britain, who will reflect on Teresa's talk in light of agroforestry policy, practice and research in the UK. The event will be held online via Microsoft Teams: to find out more and to register, visit the event page on our website. For those who wish to stay on and of particular interest to ialeUK members, the Bunce lecture will be followed by our annual AGM.

To continue the discussion and for a chance to see agroforestry in action, this webinar will be followed by a field trip with ialeUK & Reading University Agroforestry Group on the 1st of December.